Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Install a Protective Invisible Shield on Your Apple Macbok Laptop

Many people that I know are looking for a way to protect their Macbook and keep it in the best cosmetic condition possible while keeping the look that it was intended to have when it was designed by Apple originally. If you are one of these people then a case is probably not the ideal option for you because it will take away from the original look that your Macbook came with. In order to keep this look you will need to buy a shield which can be found and purchased either online or at an actual Apple Store for about $ 20 which is good because it is actually less expensive than the cover would be also. However, many people find that when they get the shield and open it up they are unable to install it properly and they are left with something that looks far from what they wanted and they are left only to return it. I have found with the proper procedure you will find it very easy to apply this shield to your laptop.
1) Unplug your Macbook and be sure to turn it off complexly because you will need to wet the surface of the computer and if you do not turn it off then you should short the computer or electrify yourself.
2) Be sure that your Macbook is clean on the outside because the adhesive will preserve the look of your Macbook according to the way it looks at this point and you do not want to get dirt in the adhesive.
3) Line up the adhesive pieces so that they look as if they fit on while making sure that the correct pieces are placed on as they should be.
4) Stay your finger tips with the solution that comes along with the adhesive strips because this will make it easier for you to apply each piece of the adhesive to your computer. You then need to peel the plastic off of the sprit while spray the liquid on both sides which will make it easier to apply without causing creases.
5) Place the plastic adhesive said onto the computer so that it is lined up correctly and use the included squeegee to press the bubble out of the plastic and flatten it to the surface of your computer. This will give it the look that you want and get rid of any dirt or air that was trapped inside as well as the additional solution which should be removed.
6) Any said that does not go on clearly and properly lined up can be removed if you like so you can reapply. If it is on correctly then press your hand against each part to let the plastic settle correctly and that's all.

How to Install a Protective Invisible Shield on Your Apple Macbok Laptop

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